Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Now... non-nightmare nightmares

    The subconscious fascinates me, and the only one I have to work with is my own. As a little kid I had a scary dream involving a gorilla, and in the dream my brother Frank told me not to be scared, that it was just a dream. Last night, my subconscious tried a new wrinkle. Horrifying stuff happened and I just shrugged and carried on. First I fell asleep reading Harry Potter. Since I was still holding the book (and my place), my hands were up and exposed. Thus they were freezing. This might have something to do with the fact that I dreamed about sliding down a snow-covered mountainside in what was more or less a gigantic shoebox. In real life, I would find this a little nerve-wracking. In the dream, I just went with the flow. If anything, I thought it was mondo cool.
    Later (with warmer hands), I dreamed that I was driving and everywhere I went, people just rammed into my car (with theirs) at high speed. And every time, I just got out and helped them out, including asking if they needed me to take anything they wouldn't want the police to see. (Hey, it was a dream. I assure you I wouldn't do anything like this in real life.) On the whole, it was very neat. The worst stuff kept happening, and I just wasn't bothered. THESE are nightmares I can live with.

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