Sunday, February 19, 2012

"I'm not her brother"

    Anne and Malcolm went back to Boston yesterday, but first we all met at Golden Corral for lunch. This wasn't over comfortable for me, since Golden Corral is quite straightforward on their website about the fact that they make no effort to cater to people with food sensitivities. So I just sat there, but it was still fun.
    It's a buffet operation, so there aren't waitresses per se. Instead, nice ladies refill your drinks and take your used plates. Our refill lady asked Anne, "Are these your brothers?" Dad said, "I'M not her brother!" Well, we thought it was funny.


  1. "He ain't heavy, he's my...."
    I only do these posts because they keep challenging me to prove I'm not a robot, and I think I am!

  2. Register as HAL9000.

    We should have said, "No, he's her sister." Would have made the refill lady's day!
