Monday, May 6, 2013

Dreaming is free

    I switched my overnight old-time radio (sleep-)listening show from Suspense to Escape last night, so dreams about crime solving were in abeyance. Instead I got incredibly vivid dreams having as far as I could tell no connection to the radio shows that were playing, with one possible exception. Weird weird weird, too.
    The first dream featured a child with a small dog and a cat, which doesn't sound too weird, does it? The dream was a bit radio-like in the sense that this colossal back story was being presented to me. Apparently the kid was feral. As a baby, s/he (started out in the dream as a boy, later was a girl) captured and trained a puppy. Later she caught and trained a kitten, too. Somehow s/he fed all of them. And somewhere along the line, a family took her in and taught her how to talk. At the time of my dream, the girl was 10; apparently even in my sleep I can figure that dogs don't live all that long.
    There didn't seem to be any upshot to it all. I guess all this was inspired by a story about monkeys capturing puppies to help guard the troupe. That or last night's pad thai.
    The dream was so weird it shook me a little. It was ages before I fell asleep again. When I did I dreamed that my folks were visiting me in my new home, which had a really large kitchen/dining area. Really large. Really REALLY large. My dad was saying grace, which sounded like words that were actually coming from whatever Escape episode was playing (as my dad is not a big sayer of grace) and I realized that they didn't in fact have any food. I did have some beef stew in the refrigerator, so I ran to get it. The fridge proved to be at least a football field's length away. Townspeople were walking by as I ran to it, and I remarked, "I've GOT to get a smaller kitchen!" I woke up very, very amused.

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