Thursday, May 23, 2013

Long cool woman, black dress

    Ever since it came out, I've crazy mad loved the Hollies' number "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress." It seldom makes the cut for classic rock radio playlists, but oldies stations will play it occasionally. I listen to sports radio programming at home, but I only listen to music radio in the car because I can't get in any of the stations at home. This isn't a problem with most songs, but what I love particularly about this Hollies song is the intro, and what I love most about the intro are the explosive drums.
    Unfortunately, I often try to play along. In the car. While driving. Once, my drumbeats hit the gearshift and I went into neutral for a moment. This taught me a valuable lesson, but beating on the steering wheel was not a big improvement as regards road safety for myself and others.
    The other day, I had a brilliant insight when the song came on the radio: I leaned forward very slightly and beat hell out of the dashboard instead. Got a lot of satisfaction out of it as well as much better sound, and endangered no lives. Now if only I could train myself not to sing along to "Zombie" by The Cranberries so hard I almost black out...

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