Sunday, July 14, 2013

I'm pretty sure they didn't do it

    I went back to Congaree National Park with no worries in particular about my radio aerial. (As I mentioned the other day, on my last visit some idiot bent the antenna to the point it nearly broke off. No doubt a mischievous and very smart squirrel.) I just bought new boots, so my primary concern was to break them in and see if they were less slidy on the wet boardwalk than the old ones were. When I arrived, though, it was pouring so rapidly my concern was not getting too soaked.
    There were a couple of cars in the parking lot already, which was something of a reassurance. Neither of them were black SUVs, which is what the vehicle in the lot was last time around when I arrived which was no longer there when I returned. I realize that this is no proof that the SUV driver bent my antenna, but there is a certain presumption in that direction.
    Because of the heavy leaf cover, you can walk around Congaree NP in a rain storm and hardly get wet. Or anyway not too wet. The iPod committed suicide fairly early (not a fan of rain, apparently) so anyone possibly offended by my singing along to it had nothing to worry about. The park was inundated to a really astonishing degree. It was crazy mad lovely. And it may have been all the negative ions from flowing water and falling rain but I was walking around with a silly grin for no reason that I could explain.
    Eventually I encountered a pair of women, or a woman and a girl. One had white hair and one brown; I really couldn't guess their ages. The white-haired one lit up when she saw me, saying, "Another person!" I got a kick out of it. It didn't mean anything except that she was probably surprised that a little rain was keeping everybody away from a national park on a pleasant (temperature-wise at least) weekend morning. But it's nice when anyone is glad to see me. I immediately thought, "I'm pretty sure they didn't bend my radio antenna."
    By the time I was walking out again the sun had emerged and I grinned even more. I met a family group with two dogs; while you aren't supposed to take dogs on the boardwalk it was kind of hard to criticize them with the dog trails under water. I saw the white-haired lady and her daughter (I assume) again on the way out. The former was photographing the flora and or fauna. The latter was spinning her umbrella. Just trying to look innocent, the evil antenna benders!:)
    But the real payoff to the story is another tale of just how dumb I am. I spent a lot of money on three Madras shirts from Target, not a bright move for a boy who doesn't like to iron. However, getting the one I'm wearing today wet in the rain straightened out the plaquette, and it stayed straight after it dried. So I think in future I'm not going to put them in the dryer but instead will let them dry on the hanger and see if that works better. Well hell, it's not like I'm going to take up ironing!

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