Saturday, July 6, 2013

Other. People. Aren't. Deaf.

    There's a very nice fellow who drives people to and from the dialysis facility for an elder transit service. Usually very nice. There's a blind woman who gets dialysis at the facility. Once when she was led out from the dialysis area to the waiting area to wait for her ride to arrive, the older gentleman started sharing stories about the blind guy who goes to his church. "He gets around great! You wouldn't even know he's blind!" I changed the subject as quickly as I could. I'm probably the last person entitled to criticize another person's courtesy, but I just could not and can't believe that anyone could fail to realize that this might not be the most sensitive topic to talk about within the hearing range of a blind person.
    Dad has a similar problem, probably complicated by the fact that he is in fact pretty nearly deaf. Tuesday, during our hour's wait to have him called back, a lady arrived who receives dialysis in the same bay as Dad. He said, loudly, "That WO-man will probably get called back before me even though I was here first." I didn't quite shush him, but again changed the subject. The line in the subject line came to me pretty readily, though.
    Today we had to wait twenty minutes, but that's nothing much to complain about. However, in that brief period, we went from a pretty if somewhat threatening day to completely overcast and raining. I even checked the weather radar during the wait and there was practically nothing showing. The weather lately is getting ridiculous. I think I'm going to test the performance of the Weather Channel app against my Magic 8Ball app and see which does better. I know which way I'm betting. ("Answer hazy, ask again.")

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