Saturday, July 13, 2013

Unfriended again

    My Facebook friend list went down by one again. I would freely admit to being crushed and bereft, but I just don't think that that's the case. I do check to make sure that it wasn't one of my actual friends who unfriended me; if it were, I would certainly be hurt and puzzled if not quite crushed and bereft. However, what depresses me about being unfriended is not the unfriending, but rather that there are people out there on whom I've made enough of an impression for them to want at some time to be Facebook friends, but who (or whom) I simply can't remember the minute they drop off the list. Hell, I'm supposed to have total recall! What's up with that?
    Also I'm more than a little bewildered, because I actually make an effort to be inoffensive on Facebook, or at least compared to real life. I do sometimes use the odd cussword, which I think may have led to the previous unfriending, and I'm clearly a liberal Democrat, which may have led to others. And hell, I'm boring and verbose, but on Facebook you can just set it to Ignore all updates. So yeah, a little hurt, a lot bewildered, but mostly bummed that I can't even remember who the person might have been. Unfriend, I'd gladly apologize if only I knew to whom and for what.

1 comment:

  1. Those who matter are still on FB, and still reading your blog. But, I think we all know how you felt.
