Two things. One regards an emailese discussion I had with one of the three or four people who regularly read this blog. Another regards something I had beed and moaned about earlier on these imaginary pages. Oh and the third thing is that after 3-odd years of this thing, you know I wouldn't be able to resist titling an entry "About a phone."
Thing one is that someone was bemoaning a generation whose eyes are glued to their smart phones instead of reality. This morning, spending an hour in a full waiting room at the dialysis facility with more than a dozen people most of whom had already been waiting longer and were getting fairly grumpy about it, the smart phone proved to be an excellent salve at least for me. So there's one good thing to say about smart phones: since people generally frown on adults sucking on pacifiers, smart phones make an excellent substitute. (Although service at the dialysis facility has been sketchy lately, today doesn't necessarily reflect on them. There was a routine (so the sign said) federal survey going on, and apparently only one person could be admitted at a time. This is blatant insanity; I wanted to suggest they send the surveyors out to talk to us. But that would have probably gotten Dad delayed another hour, whereas asking politely got him ahead of many of the waiters. See? I'm learning!)
Thing two is just flat odd. I mentioned long ago the many peculiarities of this Nokia cell phone. One I'm not sure that I mentioned is that I can't (or rather couldn't) edit profiles on my contact list, at least not the ones that came from Facebook. So if Dave didn't have his phone number on his profile and gave me his number, I had to create a new profile called Dave Phone Number (or whatever) to include that information. Last night, a friend gave me her number and... it let me edit! It informed me that this would not change her Facebook profile (well duh), but it let me edit. Well that only took a year!
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