First, the rest of the story: Margaret is fine. She was admitted to the hospital overnight, but the abdominal pain is gone. She's expecting to go home this afternoon. If that fails to happen, it will more likely be a paperwork problem than a medical problem.
However, with her on my mind, I had this weird, wild dream. She and my dad were staying at this little motel in a little resort town which I at first thought was Florida but which turned out to be Alaska. (Because, you know, they're so much alike and so near each other.) I met a guy working there who said he was Margaret's dad. I'm guessing that this was my mind's stress release; making Dad and Margaret young enough that her dad might still be living. Anyway, the guy didn't seem to be 120 years old. He had a lot of palaver which I don't remember; what I remember was getting pictures of unusual scenic vistas that convinced me I was in Alaska rather than Florida.
THEN everybody drove to Florida, which as I've mentioned was only about an hour away, for some kind of family reunion. THEN turned out that back in Alaska, Margaret's dad was some kind of supervillain running an elaborate plot that I really wish I remembered any details from. Or possibly it was one of those dream changes and it wasn't Margaret's dad anymore. Anyway, I had a great villain to foil for a while there. I will take it as given that I foiled him. I always have a lot of Reynolds Wrap.
Meanwhile, the small tabby cat outside is showing strong signs of attachment, as am I. I'll continue trying to ring the doorbell at the home where I've also seen him if I ever see their cars home and I'll ask before taking him to the vet. But I think I'll be taking him to the vet pretty soon.
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