Friday, June 27, 2014


    After I wrote yesterday's missive, I realized that I was wrong about nearly everything. They are using the word obsolete correctly. The problem though, is that they're using it differently than they used it before. Or possibly my memory has dripped the rest of the way out of my ears and I'm totally misremembering previous iterations of Civilization. Point was, mainly, to try to describe a problem most readers wouldn't encounter in a manner that they would nevertheless be able to follow and hopefully be interested enough to do so. I probably flubbed, but it was worth a try.
    Small cat has again declined to get in the cat carrier for the trip to the vet. He has locked in the name Harry (for Houdini or Potter) however. I will try again Monday. Catnip may be employed.
    It was a great joy to see Margaret and Dad together again yesterday after she got back from a couple of days in the hospital and he got home from dialysis. Happy, happy day.

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