Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Blog entry about nothing

    Harry the cat did something gross last night that you definitely don't want to hear about, but it's much on my mind and thus it's hard to blog about anything else. And of course I wouldn't want to blog about it anyway (I mostly don't show off my willingness to be gross unless I have to) except I'm worried about him. He barely ate yesterday and today his voice was a few octaves lower and he barely ate all day. However, he was still playful and eventually he started eating again. His eyes look good and he's still friendly and playful, as I said, so things seem pretty good.
    Amelia actually treated him with less disdain when he was seemingly feeling poorly. It's not like she started acting motherly or anything, but she didn't chase him or hiss or otherwise act unfriendly. Hey, maybe it's a start.

    (Now aren't you glad I didn't use the subject line, "Baby's first hork"?

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