Thursday, April 25, 2013


    Last night I had another one of those dreams that was simultaneously a video game I was playing, a movie I was in and a movie I was watching. Nice work if you can get it, I always think. Before that, though, I was looking for a video game, which seems to be a much more recurrent dream. Apparently a significant part of my subconscious mind believes that there is a lost Nintendo game out there that if only I could find it, it would bring me happiness. All I know about it (besides that I want it very badly) is that it's in a yellow box. Does that help?
    I seem to have been looking for it in my dreams for ages now. This is fairly odd only in that while I played a hell of a lot of Nintendo back in what I am required by law to call "the day," I never really enjoyed any of the games enough to be obsessed by an imaginary one decades later. But maybe that's the whole point! If only I could find that one game in the yellow box, all my problems would be solved! Except for, you know, finding a working Nintendo machine in 2013.
    I remember that the role-playing games that I gravitated towards used to make you save games by remembering a password, and this password would get more and more annoyingly involved the longer you played. In this connection, I especially remember an otherwise delightful game called Faxanadu. Then with Link, the Zelda sequel, they started putting batteries in the cartridges. These were supposed to last five years or so if I recall correctly; I wonder if any of those games still work?
    (I looked it up and sources say they actually last up to 20 years. If true, we'd still be SOL. Maybe I'll look into it if the old Nintendo is still at the ancestral manse.)

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