Monday, April 8, 2013

Time/space on-off switch

    The other week I mentioned the neat on-off switch on my Skullcandy earbuds, mainly in the context of how embarrassingly long it took for me to figure out what it was. But today, I found out that it's magic! I used it on the mini iPod to listen to the Dan Patrick show on radio this morning. I took advantage of its non-magical on-off powers to avoid commercials. And I kept being bewildered, because as the ten o'clock hour rolled around, the opening for that hour of the show (sports news update, funny pre-recorded open, theme music) didn't. Fifteen minutes later, it did. So I assumed that there was some problem at the network or at the station and didn't worry about it.
    Then I got home and turned on the radio. Leaving on the radio through the earbuds. Tuned to the same station. And the radio plugged in the wall had the live feed, while the iPod radio was still lagging by fifteen minutes. It's beyond me. It's. just. a. radio. It's not hooked to anyone's satellite feed. I don't think the earbuds on/off switch has magic DVR powers. I just don't get it. Maybe the iPod has mad skills that I never suspected, but heretofore it always agreed with regular radios on time/space issues. I did notice that Dan seemed to be reading bigger better bacon commercials a lot when I tuned back in to see if the earlier commercials had ended. Do the earbuds or the iPod know when you're switching off the commercials? What other powers do they have? Will they let me learn to fly? I mean, obviously, it's magic!

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