Saturday, April 6, 2013

The year of a dozen Springs

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The last five years or so have been the years of a dozen Winters. (Made a typo substituting "Wingers" which is much funnier, but makes less sense.) This is to say that there would be a few cold days, a few nice days, a few cold days, etc. etc. etc. Anyway, according to the Weather Channel's Android app, we'll be staying warm for at least the next week. Usually it would be hot around here by now, but so long as it isn't cold anymore I don't think anyone is complaining. However, since we've been getting Spring-like weather for a few days at a time since February, it's difficult to be really confident still.
    I was scared to look, but I checked and according to Accuweather (which admittedly is not often very accu), the jet stream is at last back from Mexico. There were studies indicating that with the Arctic melting, the jet stream had migrated south and that's why chilly weather kept coming down from up north. The details are above my meteorology training, but had me very worried for a while there. I'm just as happy to have the jet stream on the northern border of the US rather than the southern one again, and temperate weather back. I'll try to be even-tempered for the first week or so when it finally gets hot around here. I may not succeed, but I'll try.

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