Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Boy is the Nokia Lumia Windows phone weird!

    OK, I got the new smart phone up and running with no particular difficulty. Only snafu was when the dumb phone went away and the smart phone didn't come online. But I called my T-Mobile rep and she said to turn the new one off then on again and eh voila! There it was.
    So now my old number is my new number, I can text and phone with abandon and, now that I've figured out how to crank the volume, can even probably hear the phone ring. It has quite a lot of features and uh, approaches? Methodologies? It has a lot of different ways to do things, how's that? But most of them are as good or better than Android phones.
    Unfortunately, one of those better ways is also a worse way. Rather than an address book, there's just a category called People. This is also where Facebook is. So if you look at one of your contacts, you see their most recent Facebook post and any texting you may have done with them. People is also searchable, so unwieldy address books are fairly wieldy.
    Bu-UT... you can't change any Facebook settings. I think in the strictest sense, Facebook isn't on the phone; it just sort of tacks on to People. And although you can make Status Updates, this is almost the only instance in using the phone where Autorotate doesn't work. So you have to type on a very narrow keyboard. Anyway, my Facebook friends will be grateful that I'm posting less.
    On the whole, I'm fairly delighted with the weird thing. But I'd be considerably more delighted if Facebook would work better.

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