Monday, January 13, 2014

Do I have to?!

Oh all right, I'll admit it. There's a series of TV commercials I like. Well, two so far. James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell in tuxedos, reading teenagers' texts. I was watching either "The Simpsons" or "Family Guy" last night and laughed hard, and the commercial came on and I laughed harder. Only drawback: I still have no idea what they were selling. Back to the drawing board, funny ad writers!
    I do also like the Grill Class ad with the Superfans, and I even remember that it's for State Farm. (At Christmas, I was arguing with my brother whether "Grill Class" would enter the lexicon, but then they started editing that out of the commercial.) Am I calling State Farm? Would I if I were looking for insurance? Well, no. But hey, dang funny commercial.

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