Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sacks (not Fifth Avenue)

    (PS: Yes I know how to spell "Saks.") Long-time readers might remember that there was a time when I was actually uncomfortable carrying a reusable canvas sack into a grocery store if it didn't come from that grocery store. I have since gotten over that, which is just as well. Yesterday, I went to Publix with my Publix sack, and the checker put all my stuff in plastic bags. I was a little non-plussed. Rather than ask her to put my stuff in my sack instead, I just said, "This is my bag," somewhat impatiently, which was neither very good etiquette nor very good English, but it got the job done. Point is, bringing the right bag to the right store doesn't necessarily help.
    Later, I took an Ingles sack that I'd picked up at the local celiac group to Trader Joe's. Ingles is a supermarket chain that doesn't in fact have any stores that I know of in the Columbia area. The checker at TJ's said that the bag took him back, that his mom lives in Greer (where they do have Ingles-- Ingleses?). So the message is, don't take canvas bags back to the supermarkets they came from! It only confuses the checker, whereas bringing alien ones entertains the checker.
    Dad still wanted oxygen as of the time he came out of dialysis, but after supper he was feeling (and breathing) much better. Anne and Malcolm offered oxygen (granted requiring an ambulance ride to the emergency room, the only way to get it on a Saturday night), a home health care or home physical therapy, but he declined them all. So at least we tried, and at least we showed that we care. Maybe that helped more than anything.

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