Sunday, September 9, 2012

I invented salad dressing

    I was trying to decide what to do with the fragment, " the elevator music in Hell, except there they play "Moonlight Feels Right" by Starbuck less frequently." I guess I'll post it on Facebook and alienate my last few remaining friends there. (More likely, they'll turn out to be all closet Starbuck fans.)
    Before that, I was trying to make a faboo new dessert offering. Avocado chocolate pudding was so brilliant that I suppose it blinded me to my own limitations as a kitchen magician. (That should rhyme. Why doesn't it? Where does that "sh" sound in "magician" come from? Frowns.) I decided to combine avocado with honey, blackberry jam (the jar still says "spreadable fruit," but it's jam, dammit) and walnuts. Aaaaand as a dessert, it was a fiasco. Maybe with more honey and if I'd pulverized the walnuts it would have worked. Maybe.
    However, I think it would be the best salad dressing possible. I don't eat salads often as such, but if you want to try it, take an avocado and throw it in a blender. You may want to remove the skin and pit, of course. Add water to cover. Smear. (My single-serve blender only has one button, labeled Pulse. If yours has more, choose that one.)
    In the container that you'll be serving from (unless you really enjoy removing sticky honey from things), mix avocado goop with one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of blackberry jam (mine is from Aldi, but if Aldi is pretentious enough to sell something called "spreadable fruit," it's a good bet that everyone else is, too) and a quarter cup of chopped walnuts. For dessert purposes, the walnuts are too chunky and fairly annoying, but for salad dressing purposes I think they would add interest. Also they can't sneak up on you.
    Meanwhile, in dreamland, last night I was very confused. Darth Vader was trying to kill somebody, though I don't think it was me. Then he was driving around in a car. It's possible my brain got him confused with the Terminator. Even in my sleep, I thought it was pretty funny.

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