Thursday, September 6, 2012

Weirder PSAs

    I mentioned in February or so the slew of very odd new public service announcements (PSAS to their friends) coming on to the radio all at once. It seems like this happens every six months, because late last month another blizzard of them appeared, even stranger than the last.
    One set is aimed at getting kids to go out into the forest. Counterprogramming to "Hansel & Gretel"? I don't know! The most notable features a banana slug representing the kid's sense of adventure. Now I'm getting on in years, and it's been a long time since I've been a kid, but I have serious doubts whether any kid is going to hear this and go, "Hell yeah! I gotta get out to the forest!"
    There's also more of the very odd "Feed the pig" campaign from some bunch of accountants in question. The pig in question is a piggy bank and the thrust is that people ought to save more. Again, not seeing much persuasiveness here.
    I'd like to think that these are only played on sports talk radio and this is because radio execs think that sports talk radio listeners have the IQ of household plants. But I hear these on every format radio station (admittedly, more often in the wee hours when said radio execs unload all their PSAs to meet legal requirements that they play them). I guess what I'm saying is; Ad Council, you should maybe try harder.
    Nothing to do with PSAs, but while I'm Andy Rooneying radio ads, there's a local one where a home supply outfit says that their entry doors will be the "vocal point" of any home renovation. Face. Palm. This, of course, reflects wonderfully on our town on the rare occasion that we have visitors. Another tip: Proofreading is actually legal in this country.
    Dreams last night were highly unmemorable, so y'all get cut a break. All I remember is going to Cici's, fully cognizant that I am or might be celiac. I woke up before any pipers had to be paid, however.

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