Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh. That again.

    So it might not be the solution to the neverending digestive problems I've been having or even be related, but one thing that's unquestionably wrong with me is that I have too darn much ear wax. I'm hoping that getting rid of that will get rid of my other problems, but as I'm starting to get a touch of vertigo, I definitely need to do it regardless. I know it sounds crazy to link ear wax to digestive problems, but then I'm only calling them digestive problems because they seem to stem from the alimentary canal. (Mainly this perpetual sour or chalky taste in my mouth.)
    My even crazier idea is that all that kale in everything just led me to getting too much calcium in my system. (This idea stemming from the chalkiness of the taste in my mouth.) I should stress that all these are very minor and mild symptoms and getting better gradually. So before you say "Go to a doctor, stupid," rest assured that I will if ever any of this stuff starts seeming to be any more than a minor annoyance. It's all just weird, more than anything.
    Just like my dang dreams. This time, it was robots trying to kill me, but purely in a video game type context. Once again, it was my brain signalling me that it was time to get up and go pee. I guess what frustrates me about all this is that I have demonstrated an ability since I was small to control my dreams; why can't I just control them to the extent that somebody just walks up and says: "Hey stupid! Get up and go to the bathroom!" What I need are USEFUL lucid dreams.

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