Saturday, September 15, 2012

Shakin' Dave Aiken

    Dave Aiken has been a local television personality for about as long as I've been alive. Lately, he's been reborn as a DJ on a local oldies station under the name of Shakin' Dave Aiken. Apparently, he never DJed before, but it's like he was born to it. Since he was an adult when I was a child, he must be somewhere around 70 years old by now; it's infinitely cool that he has found what he was born to do however late. I guess that means there's hope for me.:) (It's also amusing in its own right that the station he's on is called WOMG. They chose it so they could use the Magic tagline/format, but it's pretty funny per se.)
    Shakin' Dave is also still the station manager for the TV outfit he's been with all these decades. So presumably he's still somewhere under 65. Hard-working cat, though!

1 comment:

  1. Dave must be about about 65. He's says he's been Shakin' since 1981, so I guess we can rule out Parkinson's!! You're right, he is one hard working dude...
