Friday, September 14, 2012


    Yes, yes, I know; I just won't shut up about my boring digestive problems. But trust me: if they were YOUR boring digestive problems, you wouldn't shut up about them either. What I'm remembering is that I was having similar problems three years ago, like I was poisoned and my body was trying hard to get rid of it. I quit dairy (which I never restarted) and fruit (which I did), but what really made a difference was switching to bottled purified water. All. the. time.
    I know better than anybody that this sounds crazy, but the water here (where here = this house, not necessarily Olympia or Columbia. Columbia city water was once sold as bottled water by somebody. Kmart, probably, but still.) The water in this house is so strongly chlorinated it smells like a pool. Also it's so rusty it stains all the porcelain and (formerly) stainless steel. And the Monkey's water bowl.
    So while it's true that my current situation got worse when I raised my fat intake too high with a flirtation with coconut milk, it's quite likely that the water is the underlying problem. I've been relying on a Pur Mineral Clear water filter on the kitchen tap, but it may be that the rust and chlorine are too much for it. I think I'll compromise and use Pur water for cooking purposes and purified water for kitty and human drinking purposes. I REALLY don't feel like going back to buying 8 gallons of purified water a week again, nor like buying a reverse osmosis filter system for a house that I don't own. Hopefully a couple of gallons a week will be sufficient.
    As to the subject line, various girlfriends over the years have made fun of how I say "water." I don't know where it came from. Dad drawls, but tends to enunciate very clearly on words like that one. Mom had a touch of the geechie, but I don't recall her saying it that way either. So I don't know where I got the pure Brooklynese from. Maybe the TV.
    Dreams last night were very vivid, but mercifully not retained in memory. All I recall is that there were a great many dreams, people always seemed to be in trouble, and I was always trying to help, which is a nice sort of self-image to have.

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