Monday, September 10, 2012

Know what's really good?

    Since quitting dairy and soy some years ago, my approach to pizza has been to fake it as closely as I could using non-gluten casein-free (which I have to say because some items in the store marked "non-dairy" do in fact have casein, which is to say dairy, in them) soy-free ingredients. So I used Daiya fake cheese and Chebe bread pizza crust mix, made up using coconut milk. This combination led to me eating a lot of tapioca and coconut, as they're in both. Don't know if there's anything wrong with that except that it ended up being a pretty fatty pizza.
    The only real fly in the ointment is that the Chebe bread crust never really tasted that great. It was fine as long as there were toppings on it, but the actual crust itself was a bit nasty, slightly bitter. I remembered that once I had found frozen brown rice pizza crusts somewhere and set out to find them again. Eventually I did, at 14 Carrot Natural Foods in Lexington. They cost an arm and a leg and are made from brown rice and potato flour ONLY. (Yay.)
    Because of my recent trouble with fatty foods, I decided to give the Daiya a miss and go cheese free. So my current pizza-free pizza is a rice and potato flour crust, topped with tomato sauce with minced garlic stirred in, topped with black beans, green pepper, and either broccoli or kale. Yeah, I know it sounds disgusting, but it was crazy-mad delicious. Honest! I didn't believe it either.
    Long ago I tried making flatbread with kale and potato and olive oil, and it was reasonably brilliant. I in turn tried it out as a pizza crust and that was fairly disastrous, if tasty. Maybe I just needed to throw in some brown rice. Hmmmmmmm.

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