Sunday, September 23, 2012

More radio geniuses

    You'd think that people in the radio business would know about, or at least think about, homonyms. Anyway, I would think so. And I would be mistaken. There's one ad for wooden flooring where they keep talking about their flooring catalog, only it sounds like they're pushing their boring catalog. Atlanta Braves pitcher Tim Hudson makes a fairly witty commercial for AT&T wireless where he mentions the size of their 4G network. Only problem (or I dunno, brilliant marketing): it sounds a lot more like "orgy network." (Sign me up!)
    Finally, Downtown U. has a big new parking facility across from the football stadium where the State Farmers' Market used to be. It's a big deal and the radio network now broadcasts from a stage there. Anybody following sports over the last few decades in this country knows that the stage is sponsored. It's called the Cox Ecolife stage. However, since the announcer doesn't have a clear idea how "ecology" is pronounced (short first o), it sounds like the Cox e coli stage. (Ew!) Of course, all this might be a result of all the wax in my ears. But somehow I doubt it.


  1. What channel did you say that Orgy Network was on?? I like to watch!!!
