Monday, October 29, 2012

Getting less crazy

    Nobody who knows me would believe it, but this is actually me being less crazy. The gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free experiment has generally been a success. I used to be in a panic whenever I had to drive in any kind of traffic at all; that's all gone away. Though I'm still no social butterfly, I'm much more easygoing in social situations than ever before. Agoraphobia has gone away except in really really big crowds.
    The problem is that greater comfort in interpersonal relations means that there are more frequent interpersonal relations, and unfortunately I suck spectacularly at these in their every form. I'm like a free radical in the body social, doing a lot of damage without trying. I desperately need to rein in my poisonous tendencies and try to spread only sweetness and light, or anyway minimize the darkness. Or maybe the Trappists would be glad to welcome me.

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