Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nightmare because it said so

    Last night I dreamt the least scary nightmare ever. Except that it announced that it was scary, so it was. It even had suspense. I couldn't find my car key. In real life, this would be very bad indeed since there's only the one. (Obvious dream interpretation: my brain telling myself to go get copies made, stupid.) The suspense was that I searched my key chain but the key was not there. Then I looked more carefully and found that it was there but it had split in half with the part that goes into the ignition separating from the part that you grip between thumb and finger to turn the key.
    Even in the dream I thought, no problem, I just call a locksmith. But dammit, it wanted to be a nightmare, so I got scared. Realizing in my sleep that it wasn't a scary situation, I got scared anyway. As ever, the suspicion was and is that it was all a plot to get me up to go to the bathroom. And when I woke, I found I needed to. WHY can't my brain just introduce a character as in Total Recall to show and tell me I ought to get up and go wee? I know, it didn't end that well in Total Recall. But still!

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