Thursday, October 18, 2012


    In the shower this morning, I slid the length of the bathtub somehow without losing my balance. (OK, maybe a little. But I didn't fall at least.) It was the nightmare of the person living alone. I'm glad it ended well. As it happened, the other day at Publix I found the no-slip decals I had been looking for for eons. I think it's fair to say that the plastic bath mat (or rather, its suction cups) is(/are) inadequate. I think I'll be picking up those decals the next time I'm in Publix, and then installing them. Or, ya know, go back to tub baths.
    Meanwhile in dreamland, I had another one of those dreams that announced itself as a recurring one. I'm not quite sure how this works. As a rule, if a dream announces itself as a dream at all, you wind up waking up. This is usually the case in nightmares and as I've said before this mainly seems to happen with me when I need to pee. In this dream, I was in what was supposed to be my parents' house except that it was in Los Angeles. The ostensibly recurring part was that my room had a floor that would periodically rise up to the ceiling, making navigation more than a little tricky. The recurring part was a certain sense that I remembered this from before.
    I wonder if this is how we learn to make memories. As a little kid, you just receive information and only gradually learn to sort out what's new from what you've heard or seen before. This is why little kids always think that they have made up old jokes, even ones somebody just told them the day before. (In my heart of hearts, I STILL think I made up, "Take my wife--PLEASE!") I wonder if recurring dreams have some role in teaching you how to learn how to form memories. It would be nice to think that they're useful for something.:)

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