Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beat goes on

    Dad still isn't getting better, nor is he getting more rational. Yesterday evening, he called saying that the hiccups still hadn't gone away, that he had called the ER to see if he could get them to write him the prescription that they had refused to write Friday and they said that he would have to come back, and he told me he wanted to. We had just spent 6 hours of Friday morning and afternoon finding out that they don't write prescriptions for hiccups. He wanted to go back on Saturday night. BEST result would be that after 12 hours, we would find out that they STILL don't write prescriptions for hiccups. I told him how sorry I was but that I just could not do it. I'm not being selfish; I'm on a restricted diet and have to do my own cooking and had gotten two days behind due to the previous adventure. I suggested he call my sister Anne (a doctor in Boston).
    I didn't quit trying to help, though. I came up with a number of suggestions which I relayed to Anne, some of which may have been useful. I haven't heard further. Hopefully he's feeling better, or at least not worse. I think the best suggestion I made was that he stop eating clementines on an empty stomach. They give me reflux when I eat them not on an empty stomach. As he was burping for months before he started hiccuping for a week, it would be reasonable to infer that he has GERD. I think and hope that if he would stop, he would start getting better immediately. I hope Anne has better luck convincing him than I did.

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