Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Orange and green

    I think I've mentioned before that I have some odd brain damage that makes me confuse the words "orange" and "green" but not the actual colors that the words refer to. I always thought it was just me. Last night at a show at Conundrum, a young woman unwittingly referred to a bright orange shirt as a a bright green one. I was ridiculously relieved to find that there's somebody else out there with the same problem. I told her that I do that, too, and she was just as surprised as me. Now the question is why. The gentleman in the bright green shirt (who was the main act at the show and who had bought the shirt earlier in the day at a thrift store and who had just discovered that it was in fact a shirt from Wendy's, which is what made it the center of discussion in the first place) thought it was the Gs, but since they're pronounced differently and you learn colors as a baby this seems unlikely. It's a mystery, I say.
    Dad had an appointment with the heart doctor today and was downright chipper. He did find it a bit taxing doing all the walking to get around in the Heart Hospital, but was still pretty chipper when I left him. So yay!

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