Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Not having a good time

    The elderly laptop has apparently given up the ghost. This is no major loss since I've had a new one ready to go since my last birthday, but unfortunately it took my passwords with it. (Also my jigsaw puzzles; oh no!) So I can Facebook and I can Webmail, but buggerall else. I'm a little pressed for time and stressed out, so this is likely to be one of the more bare bones blog entries ever; just mainly wanted to note that the only email addresses I still have are those from prior to 2009, so if you have changed email addies since then or if you haven't known me that long, I'd appreciate it if you would send an email so I can stay in touch.
    Also the dialysis facility took an hour to get Dad in today. Also he's been burping and hiccuping constantly for five days straight. Also it's supposed to rain and pour all evening. But other than that, everything's great!

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