Friday, May 8, 2015

8 ball

    I got a new Magic 8 Ball app for my phone. It's really great, even better than the ones I had for my old phone. You ask your yes or no question, shake the phone, and a little android answers you. Couldn't be simpler!
    I do wish it had happier answers for me though. After I let Harry the cat out this morning, I asked if I could let him back in. It said no! And I asked if I should feed him outside then and it said no again! I asked it if I should put Amelia in a sack and take her down to the river and it said yes! Sorry Harry! Sorry Amelia! I don't think this android likes cats!
    I think the key is not to ask open-ended questions. "Should I let Harry in now?" asked periodically is probably a better approach, especially when a No answer can be so shattering. "Will we be able to leave Ridgeview today?" is a much better thing to ask than "Will we ever be able to leave Ridgeview?" See? I'm really getting the hang of this thing!

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