Sunday, February 14, 2016

Humidity wrangling

    As I mention now and again, my place is pretty dank during the colder months. The humidity in here finally got dry enough such that the air temperature felt comfortable. Unfortunately, that was so dry that I could barely breathe anymore. So even though we're expecting a wintry mix by morning, I had to plug in the humidifier.
    Now that it's breathable again, I'm thinking of unplugging the darned thing again. I can live without any more dank. On the other hand, it's hardly likely that the heat will be off much of the time on a night with expected overnight lows around 20. As I have noted (and as I have declared will be the motto of John University), thinking is hard!
    As it turns out, really chilly weather does lead to more walking outside since Harry (who follows me on neighborhood walks, whining all the way) is less inclined to go outside. So I had another very nice neighborhood walk this afternoon. On the other hand, having two cats inside all the time has my allergies mimicking a very bad cold. Or anyway the Benadryl helps, which suggests allergies rather than virus. I'm still not a doctor, I know.

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