Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What if you crossed Pong with a marimba?

    It appears that there's no limit to how much I like hearing the marimba. This is a surprise to me, as I have never before betrayed any sign of marimba obsession. Returning to the iPad mad theme, one of the synthesizers that I mentioned is Soundrop. it is very simple. There is a circle on the screen; a dot drops out of it every second. You can draw a line to intersect the dots' fall. The dots bounce off, making a sound like a note on a marimba or chimes. You draw another line intersecting the new trajectory, and there's a new sound and another new trajectory. And so on and so on.
    I know, I know. It sounds less interesting than watching paint dry, but it's really fun. You also make some astounding sounds. Granted, everything sounds like "Discipline" by King Crimson, but what could be wrong with that? The app is free, though you can't save your work unless you pop for $2 for the full version. Thus, if you do something really brilliant, it's lost unless you leave the app open until the batteries run down. The full version also has other sounds besides marimba. But truth to tell, I kind of like the evanescence, and I really like the marimba. What a thing to find out at this advanced age!

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