Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Not very updaty update

    If you missed the update to yesterday's post, Dad's stomach troubles turned out to be a possible heart attack, or possibly gall bladder troubles. So he's been having gall bladder tests all day. These take him out of his room, so we haven't been able to visit successfully so far.
    The goodish news part is that it also may not have been a heart attack. He showed high levels of some substance that is associated with heart attacks, but it's also associated with dialysis. So hopefully, no heart attack.

Updatier update (I may have to use that tomorrow, too): We got to visit him and he was in very good spirits, singing to Margaret a lot. And they finally fed him, even if it was only liquids and jello. When I left to get my own supper, he was about to have an echocardiogram, but at least they could do that in the room.

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