Sunday, September 28, 2014


    Dad says that they're expecting him to be in the nursing home for four months. I had some silly stuff to write about, but this knocked that material right out of my grey matter. I think they have an outsized notion about our expectations. We aren't expecting him to go dancing again; we don't necessarily expect him to be able to change his drain bag himself. We'd like him to be able to handle the cell phone, but even that is a pretty low priority.
    The big thing is having him and Margaret together. Everybody understands that at almost 94, this isn't going to last forever. So the goal is to have them together as much as possible.
    In the meantime, though, today I programmed his cell phone to speed dial and showed him how to use it, and we also left Margaret's flip phone which is easier to answer (since you just open it), and I cranked the volume of the ringer and the caller's voice on the latter. So he's a good deal more reachable, and can call out more easily. So there's that.
    He's having his care meeting Thursday, so I'll explain then what our goals are. Hopefully, we can whittle that 4 months pretty markedly.

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