Friday, October 30, 2015

Flood victims need candy!

    I went to Publix for some odds and ends and to buy Hallowe'en candy. The latter wasn't a high priority item, since most years nobody shows up to trick-or-treat. (The sign on the fence reading, "Please be careful of the minefield" couldn't have ANYthing to do with it!) And I found that there wasn't hardly any. The manager happened by and we commiserated. During the flood, he said, they had all that candy in back and they were kind of sweating it, thinking they'd be stuck with it all. But apparently that isn't the case. I don't think we all decided that this is going to be an expecially heavy trick-or-treat year; I bet a lot of it went down gullets. Regardless, though they were tragically out of Baby Ruths (THE VERY IDEA!), they still had peanut M&Ms. Heck, even though I can't eat this stuff anymore I still like getting things I used to like. I'll probably be giving it all to Paul Sunday anyway. I was expecting to be texting him to ask about his preference, but peanut M&Ms were pretty much the only really good thing left. As ever, I'm not kidding myself that this is of any consequence; just a little weird.

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