Friday, May 11, 2012


    Old men who are childish (or even non-old men) are supposed to claim to be childlike. but I've never had any problem with my childishness. I can make squeaking or farting noises by squeezing my hands together. This hasn't been a social plus since middle school, so I had forgotten about it. The other day, I did it out of the blue for no reason in particular in the kitty's presence. She ran away. Since then, she's less alarmed when I do it. The fart sounds leave her cold (being a girl and all) but she's very, very interested in the squeaking sounds. ("Do you have a mouse in there?")
    Last night, I also remembered I have a certain facility with making percussion noises by beating on my cheeks while opening or closing my mouth. She ran away from that one, too, but got used to it very quickly. I don't know if this will increase or decrease her kitty dentist tendencies. At least she won't think I have a mouse in there. Unless I master REALLY high notes.

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