Saturday, May 5, 2012

Really relieved that everybody has crazy dreams

    Outdid myself I did. I was in a waiting area at an airport. In an adjacent seat was the leader of the UK Labour Party, who in the dream was about to be the next Prime Minister. I noticed that he had really comfortable shoes; also for such a very important person he had no security presence at all. So I suggested that since he had no security, it would be no problem for me to knock him on the head and take his very comfortable shoes. It being my dream, he understood instantly (and I knew instantly that he understood instantly) that I was just kidding and that he was in no danger. He took it as a compliment on his shoes and laughed.
    Then there was a football coach. He was an NFL assistant, but seemed to be out of work more than working. He had a wife and kids; apparently she was a big earner. The kids, it turned out, weren't his. Rather, they were the children of the Labour politician we met in the airport portion of the dream. I said, "Sounds like a sitcom! Hey, they play American football in England now." (Well, they don't, but they did for a while there.) "You guys should move to Britain and start a reality show!" The sick thing is, if it happened it real life, that would be the natural progression.

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