Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sack of hammers

    I bought the new laptop (Notebook would be more correct and also sounds ever so much less crude, which is of course why I prefer laptop) but also a can of compressed air. The latter fixed the problem with the old laptop immediately. (Well, the laptop computer at least.) So the new one is sitting over there in its box. I do have at least one game that I can't play on this computer that I look forward to playing on that one. And there are untold numbers of other ones, and cheap ones, that I could get as well. So I'll be opening it today or tomorrow. It's the getting it set up on the Internet part that daunts me. That's a lot of passwords right there!
    Saw a truck today emblazoned Valley Proteins Greasetrap Division. If you think your job is unpleasant or undignified, I think there might be something worse.

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