My friends at Aldi have been on a crazy gluten-free jag the last couple weeks. Since I'm also dairy- and soy-free, a lot of the offerings don't do me any good, but a lot of them do. One is a brownie mix, coincidentally having the exact same ingredients and package directions as the GF brownie mix from King Arthur Flour. Difference is that Aldi's is $3 while the king's is $7. The brownies are really good! I suspect that they would be even better if I used some oil other than sunflower seed oil; I'm thinking of getting coconut oil some time soon.
It would be nice to think that this will be a permanent offering at Aldi, but judging by past performance, this is very unlikely. However, they have restocked the GF items and so far the stock has grown rather than shrunk. So at least this limited time offer won't be selling out too soon. King Arthur will just have to wait.
Also, my endless hunt through the thrift stores of the land for clothes that fit may have found me a winner. Kohl's has a house brand named totally unpretentiously Sonoma Life + Style that made an all-cotton medium shirt that actually fit me. So I made another endless Goodwill hunt and found another, which also fits pretty well. So shortly I may be hustling over to Kohl's to buy out their medium all-cotton shirt counter. It could happen. Williams-Sonoma Life + Style would have been a deal-breaker, but just Sonoma I can probably live with.
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