OK, this time I will try to upload pictures. This isn't so much about the pictures per se, or rather it is. What it isn't so much about is the subjects of the pictures per se, not least because they're identical. I crazy mad love my Windows Phone's camera, but I think it's cheating. I'll look at the picture after I've taken it and think, "There wasn't that much color in that view." In fact, even looking at the view on the phone's screen, I see a much prettier view than the view is in reality, often as not.
When I hiked Poinsett State Park the other day with my friend Fred, I brought along my Nikon Coolpix camera. This was in fact because I was planning to shoot irises at Swan Lake/ Iris Park, but as I've mentioned, the irises weren't there so we went to Poinsett. I carried the camera anyway and shot three views with both the phone and the Nikon. And, as I say, I think the phone cheats. Anyway, I wouldn't expect a washed-out shot from a Nikon, so if the phone shot is more vibrant, I'm feeling like it's augmenting reality a bit. Let's see if I can actually upload photos. (If not, you'll just have to take my word, won't you?
This is the Nikon shot:
This is the phone shot:
Can you see a difference? Can you see anything? At this size, the Nikon shot looks more colorful. At full size, I still think it's the phone. But they're both pretty cool.
Also, this train of thought inspired a new gag: A picture is worth a thousand words, but for you, 950. Well I liked it!
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