Tuesday, June 16, 2015

That darn century mark

    The heat wave barely affects me except insofar as it's a good idea to get my daily walk in a lot earlier or, ya know, never, but I do worry about Harry the outside kitty. Fortunately I have a very very shady yard anyway. That may be why he turned up in the first place. Not just that it's shady but tougher on predators from the sky. Harry would rather be out than in regardless of temperature assuming it isn't raining or snowing. I left him a bowl of water and check on him often, but generally I can't cajole him or even carry him in. Well, we both evolved in Africa; I'm hoping that if he thinks he can handle it, he's right.
    All I've got is a steady headache that feels like sinus trouble. Compared to people with troubles, it isn't one but I'd still be delighted to give it up. Delighted I am though that the drone still flies in spite of its wonky rotor. I wish anybody wanted to come out and play with it with me but given the weather, I can see their point of view. I am happy to say though that once the sun sinks behind the trees, it isn't really all that hot. Or maybe I've been hanging with Harry the cat too long.

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