Monday, June 15, 2015

Too dang hot to blog

    Not really, but it really is too dang hot. Headed for 102 or so they say. As with wintertime, there's a fair degree of solidarity with the rest of the country. Apparently we aren't the only area that's really really hot. What I wasn't used to was 90 degrees by 10 am. Heck, this isn't Phoenix!
    I'm all sad because the drone isn't working as well. One rotor or propeller doesn't turn as well as previously. I'm told that a hair or a blade of grass is wound around the motor but I can see in and can't see anything like that. I can take the whole thing apart easily; what I'm not sure about is whether I can put it back together again. It'll still fly as it is; just not as well. Decisions, decisions.

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