Friday, July 17, 2015

I want a cookie

    What it is is that one of the myriad ways in which I'm spoiled (not that I'm blaming my parents; I think I spoiled myself) is that I never got the memo that life isn't fair. When something goes wrong in any way, I want a cookie. So if my car breaks, rather than shrugging it off and getting up and running again, I want a reward for putting up with this terrible setback. This is another example of where I'm falling down on the job of being childlike rather than childish. And is also to say that I put off adult responsibilities through another working day and working week.
    Another obvious problem is that doing some of these jobs is stressful in itself/themselves. Going to DMV isn't childbirth, but it isn't relaxing, and you have to take a number and wait just to get a simple question answered. In a world with an Internet, most of this should be unnecessary. Obviously, if the gig is stressful, one puts it off, but the putting it off makes it more stressful. Monday! Monday I will come through! Really!
    Meanwhile, the dying drone- ah, I didn't mention the dying drone. This morning, the motors on the drone seemed to be reaching the end of their life, just after i had found on the Internet that they have a very limited life. This afternoon, however, it and they came back to life nicely. So we'll call it the manic-depressive drone, which is pretty much how it acted when it died the first time. Maybe I'll figure out an intelligent way to send a note to the people at the warehouse where my only-twice-flown drone is resting in a tree above their roof.

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