Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Internet remedies

    For once, I wasn't being a crazy person, but rather a senile person. I couldn't remember whether it was calamine lotion or some other one that you put on bug bites, so I looked it up. I wasn't looking for an Internet miracle cure, but just a little jog to the memory. However, what I got was a miracle cure. OK, a fairly effective palliative. The person recommended putting 2 tablespoons of water in 5 tablespoons of baking soda (or vice versa, depending upon point of view) and adding a little tea tree oil. I believe the word was 1/8 of a teaspoon and that was too much. I seriously doubt that anyone reading me has any tea tree oil in the house. I have toothpicks supposedly suffused with tea tree oil (because making them out of tea trees would make too much sense) so I soaked a couple in the two tablespoons of water for a while. No idea if this produced any tea tree oil, but it couldn't hurt.
    What I got was a white paste. Spread on my flea bites, it didn't want to go away, but the itching did. And it has stayed away. Maybe the flea bites had just progressed to the point that they weren't going to itch anymore, but I was well pleased. I would say that if you encounter any Internet miracle cures that involve baking soda, consider trusting them. Hell, it works on everything else!

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