Thursday, April 21, 2016

Today's fake blog entry

    I had the most astonishingly odd dream last night. It was extremely brief. I was female, which only affected the story such as it was at the very end, apparently a totally imaginary person. As I'm not female, it's hard to describe the first person singular character as "I" but there you are; I went into a hotel room, persuaded a nation's government (presumably also fictitious) to purchase something silly. It was specified in the dream but I can't remember; it was something supremely silly like dinner placemats, though. And I came out again after a minute (so nothing untoward went on) and thought, "I'm a regular Derek T. McBogue!" Then I realized that I was female and thought, "MS. T. McBogue." In the dream, apparently Derek T. McBogue was the most persuasive man in the world. Somehow I remembered the name (obviously) and looked it up; in my heart of hearts, I really believed that I was going to get Google hits for the very persuasive Mr. McBogue. Alas, he's McBogus. But now I have a penname!

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