Friday, November 22, 2013


    As everyone knows, I am a born Trotskyite who hates all advertizing. However, there is at least one ad that I have believed. I've been buying the dishwashing liquid Dawn religiously for years, perhaps decades now, because of the little elementary-school-filmstrip type passage in their old ads demonstrating that "Dawn destroys grease." Mind you, the words aren't in fact written; perhaps they meant Greece. Because come to think of it, I've been using the stuff on my greasy dishes all these years and have yet to notice any evidence that it's at all effective against grease. (I think the quote is "Dawn cuts grease," but it's funnier my way.)
    While I'm carping about dishwashing soap, I recently looked and couldn't find any that aren't ultra-concentrated. Now I get that companies jump on bandwagons and moreover words and slogans on labels don't necessarily reflect any aspect of reality. But what I was noticing about Dawn was that as it dried around the nozzle, the resultant goop was fairly hard to get off. It wasn't a major impediment to my life, but it would be kinda neat to have a dishwashing soap that was maybe a little less thick. Ah well...


  1. Maybe they meant the Golden Dawn destroys Greece.

    1. Procter & Gamble so prescient. Must be all that devil worshiping.
