Monday, November 18, 2013

Nightmares that ARE nightmares but yet aren't scary

    To clarify, the subject line refers to an earlier entry about nightmares that aren't nightmares, i.e., scary dreams that shouldn't be. Now I'm getting the reverse, or maybe obverse. Last night, all night long I dreamt that I had jobs. That isn't the nightmare part. They weren't very prominent or remunerative jobs, but I found them satisfactory. Even the last one, which as a tipoff was set in the kind of gigantic city-encompassing building that I dream about often as not.
    Then our company was attacked by another company. Not like a leveraged buyout, nor even a Monty Python's Meaning of Life pirate attack. (Well, like that, but with heavier weapons and no punchline.) And I mean, it should have been a nightmare; people were trying to kill us. And I was just leading people out of danger, calmly, almost boredly if that's a word. (Is now!) That's one good thing about working in a building the size of a city: lots of hiding places. Fortunately I woke up before anyone with weapons reached us.
    I don't know what all this stuff means. I seem to have more violent dreams when I eat curry, like I did yesterday. I guess my brain is smart enough not to get scared after all this time.


  1. Your dreams remind me of Windsor McKay's Little Nemo in Slumberland comic strip. It was always the Welsh Rarebit that was to blame for Nemo's strange dreams.

    1. Or Marley's ghost, for that matter. PS: Alice B. Toklas Welsh rarebit?
