Saturday, March 15, 2014

Excuse my tree

    Yesterday afternoon, late but not quite dark yet, the guy from next door knocked on my door. He said that a tree from his yard was leaning into my yard and that he and his friends were going to cut it up. I told him that it isn't my house, but that it was OK by me. Then in an unaccustomed burst of common sense, I texted the landlord about it. From my window, it looked like a tree leaning far into our yard. I went out and examined it and found that it was actually a gigantic tree limb but the key point was that it was dangling just above my power line. He suggested that I find the neighbor and let them talk to each other.
    I didn't find him, but I found his friend with the chainsaw, who turns out to be a professional in the tree business doing this for my neighbor as a favor. My landlord and he chatted on my phone and the latter reassured the former that he knew what he was doing. And he did. He sawed the limb up in what seemed like seconds, and I still have power. There was a cable that looked like a TV cable also running from house to house and that is now on the ground. But apparently that was the old cable; Brian in the other half of the house has cable and though he's out of town, he says his Internet is still working and he gets that via cable. So in short, no harm done.
    The subtext here is that Captain Alert himself, your correspondent here, hadn't noticed that there was a tree (or a limb as big as a tree) resting against his roof and dangling over his power line. I should maybe look around the yard a little more.

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