Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wait-- are there brown cats?

    I dreamed last night that I had a brown cat. And of course I do-- in places. Amelia is mostly white and largely black and very slightly brown. And it's strange that she is quite clearly brown in that spot but I never seem to see any brown cats.
    This being the Internet, it's very easy to find out if there are any. It turns out that breeders developed a type called the Havana Brown, unarguably a brown cat. Pretty, too, but I don't know if they ever caught on. As I say, I don't ever see any. It's pretty much a Siamese with a tan.
    The brown cat in my dream was pretty much like my only partly brown one in real life, in that I was mainly concerned about her escaping. Not that Amelia ever tries to escape, but I still manage to worry about it. This is a cat who famously sits and stares at a door that's partly open rather than pawing it open herself. Then again, she certainly has me trained.
    The rest of the dream was a bewilderment, but since I remember very little of it, you are largely spared. There was a certain matter of swimming involved, which somehow spared my cell phone, a model from a previous decade that I don't believe I ever owned in real life. I was constantly trying to call and get my messages but I could never quite remember the number. Make something out of that, Dr. Freud. My sister and my elder brother were around, and my dad. I'm not sure if the woman he was with was my mom or his sweetheart or somebody imaginary. He seemed to be getting around better than in real life, though.
    Sorry; not much point to this one. Would you like me to add a picture of a Havana Brown? they're very cute!

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